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SURELAND wins fire-fighting contract for CAP1400 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Demonstration Project
2016年6月3日 | By:admin


SURELAND have been awarded a contract with State Nuclear Power Engineering Company(SNPEC), to provide fire-fighting systems for the conventional island (IC) and BOP balance of plant (BOP) of Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Demonstration Project.

Pressurized Water Reactor Demonstration Project is located in Shidao Bay, Rongcheng, Shandong Province. The major item of large advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant (one of the 16 major state science and technology items) relies on this project. This is a demonstration project of non-active large advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant of higher power and autonomous intellectual property right developed based on AP1000. This phase of this demonstration project will construct two CAP1400 large advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power units.


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